The First Annual Higher Education Leadership Forum 2013


CLICKS aims at the forthcoming forum to attract around 150 to 180 Higher Education leaders at the level of Rectors / Presidents/ Chancellors/ Vice Chancellors and Provosts, in addition to policy makers who influence HE in our region. The idea is really to try to create a broad blend of representation from Arab Countries as oppose as an exclusive participation from few countries. Moreover, and what is important as an outcome of this forum beyond what will take place during the event, is really to publish institutional best practices and case studies of universities which had a successful implementation in one of the following areas:

1. Governance in Higher Education

2. Quality and Accreditation in Higher Education

3. Learner Centricity in Higher Education

4. Higher Educational in the Digital Age
5. Research in Higher Education

1- News and Announcement section as well as spotlights on the official CLICKS website on the main page

2- Partnership page

4- Draft Forum Program which can be downloaded from

5- Sponsorship Package downloaded from

Call Paper for the Forum and for Case Studies & Best Practicies