Call for nominations - 2019 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa AI-Khalifa Prize for thé Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education


​Subject: Call for nominations - 2019 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa AI-Khalifa Prize for thé Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education​


It is my pleasure hereby to launch thé call for nominations for thé 2019 édition of thé UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa AI-Khalifa Prize, underthe thème "Thé use of Artificial Intelligence (Al) to innovate éducation, learning and teaching". In keeping with Sustainable Development Goal 4, thé Prize recognizes innovative approaches in leveraging new technologies to enable thé expansion of educational opportunities for ail. Funded by thé Kingdom of Bahrain and established in 2005, it rewards projects that use information and communication technologies to enhance teaching, learning and overall éducation performance. This year's Prize focuses on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (Al), Al-powered solutions as well as applications of neuroscience in Al to improve learning outcomes and teaching méthodologies, to empower teachers and to enhance thé delivery and management of éducation and éducation services. It also aims to ensure that thé deployment ofAI in éducation does not exacerbate digital divides, and everybody can reap thé benefits of new technological developments. Two prizewinners will be selected based on thé recommendations of an international jury. Each will receive a monetary award (USD 25, 000) and a diploma. On behalf of thé Director-General, l am pteased to invite non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in officiai partnership with UNESCO, and active in thé field covered by thé Prize, to submit nominations for this year's édition. An NGO may nominate up to three projects. An applicant can access thé online application form through this link: www.unesco.or /ict-ed- rize/re ister. UNESCO should reçoive thé online submission form, in English or French, by 31 October 2019 at thé latest (UTC+1, Paris time). 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP, France Tél. :+33 (0)1 45681796 -2- More information on thé UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa AI-Khalifa Prize for thé Use of ICT, including a user guide for thé online platform, can be found at: htt s://on. Unesco. or /aboutict rize Thé Secrétariat of thé Prize (Unit for ICT in Education, Education Sector, tel: +33 1 45 68 05 44; e-mail: ict rize Unesco. or ) remains at your disposai for any clarification regarding thé nomination process. Please accept, Sir/Madam, thé assurances of my highest considération. Fir in Edouar Matoko Encs: Statutes of thé UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa AI-Khalifa Prize for thé Use of ICT in Education​