(ACIT’2015)/Zarqa University


the 16th International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT’2015)

** Please send to interested colleagues and students **


is accosting paper submissions until August 31, in any of its main

topic areas:


AI & Expert Systems

Algorithms & Applications

Natural Lang. Processing (Arabic)


Computer Architecture

Computer Ethics

Computer Graphics

Computer Networks

Computer Simulation

Database Systems

Decision Support Systems

Digital Telecommunications



Geographic Information Systems

Human Computer Interaction

Information Security

Information Systems

Web semantics

IT & Society

Machine Learning

Multimedia & Image Processing

Neural Networks

Parallel & Distributed Systems

Pattern Recognition

Reliability & Fault-Tolerance

Remote Sensing

Software Engineering

Virtual Reality Systems

Pervasive & adaptive systems


The International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'2015) is a forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research, results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of information technology. ACIT’2015 will include presentations to contributed papers and state-of-the-art lectures by invited keynote speakers. Tutorials on current issues and special sessions on new trends related to information technology and software industry could be organized. This conference is considered the official scientific conference for the Colleges of Computer and Information Society, stemming from the Association of Arab Universities. The permanent General Secretariat of ACIT is hosted by Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan.



ACIT'2015 will be held at Al-Isra University, located on the main highway that connects Queen Alia International Airport with the capital Amman. It is about 15 Km south from the central capital Amman, the old Philadelphia. Jordan is a young country dense with history and a well-traveled bridge between sea and desert, east and west. Jordan provides monuments from every age of the humanity, crowned by the rosy rock-carved city of Petra, a world heritage site. Petra and other Jordanian cities offer visitors beautiful holly and tourist sites such as Jerash, Madaba, Karak, Dead Sea, Rum Valley, River of Jordan, Maeen hot springs, and others. This strategic area was settled or crossed by restless cast of characters including Ammonites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Umayyads, and Crusaders.


For more information: Visit ACIT official website www.acit2k.org



Submission of papers: August 31, 2015

Notification of acceptance: October 31, 2015

Camera-ready submission & registration: November 15, 2015

Conference period: December 15-17, 2015



Direct all Submissions to:

ACIT OpenConf http://acit2k.org/openconf/openconf.php

On Conference Web Site: www.acit2k.org

And for more information about submissions contact:

ACIT Secretariat, Zarqa University

P. O. Box 132010

Zarqa Code Number 13132, Jordan

Tel: +(962)-5-3821100 ext. 1452

Fax: +(962)-5-3821117

E-mail: acit@ccis2k.org


Direct all Organizing queries to:

1) Mohammad Ali H. Eljinini,

     P. O. Box 22  33                                                  

     Postal Code: Al-Isra University Post Office 11622,


    Telephone: +962-795725772

    E-mail: MA.eljinini@iu.edu.jo

2)  Nidal Turab

     P. O. Box 22, 33                                                  

     Postal Code: Al-Isra University Post Office 11622,


    Telephone: +962-797327725

    E-mail:  Nidal.turab@iu.edu.jo

3) Jamal Zraqou

     P. O. Box 22, 33                                                  

     Postal Code: Al-Isra University Post Office 11622,


    Telephone: +962-799000059

     E-mail:  Jamal_sam@iu.edu.jo


ACIT’2015 Secretariat in Israa University:

     Adi Maaita, Isra University     

     P. O. Box 22, 33                                                   

     Postal Code: Al-Isra University Post Office 11622,

     Telephone: +962-798144676

     E-mail: Adi.maaita@iu.edu.jo



Best Regards

ACIT Secretariat

Zarqa University

P. O. Box 132222

Zarqa Code Number 13132


Tel: +(962)-5-3821100 ext. 1452

Fax: +(962)-5-3821117

E-mail: acit@ccis2k.org

Web Site: www.acit2k.org

Brochure: ACIT'2015 Call for Papers.pdfACIT'2015 Call for Papers.pdf