4th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment


Call for Papers

e-AGE 2014

Under the Patronage of His Highness Sayyid Taimur Bin As’ad Al Said in Oman

4th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment

10 - 11 December 2014, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman



To promote opportunities for cooperation between networks of research and education in the Arab countries, Europe and North America; to disseminate research on technology and applications of e-Infrastructures and e-science and access to scientific resources; and to expand the framework of effective participation of e-infrastructure linking the Arab Organizations for research and education to the world.

Main Events

-       The Seventh Event on Euro-Mediterranean e-Infrastructure

-       The Fourth annual meeting of the Arab States Research and Education Network

-       The Sixth annual conference of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education  

-       EUMEDCONNECT3 Project Meeting

-       Technical workshops (TBA)


Inauguration and Opening:

H.H. Sayyid Shihab Bin Tariq Al-Said, Chairman of TRC, Oman (TBC)

H.H. Sayyid Taimur Bin As’ad Al Said, Assistant Secretary General for External Cooperation of TRC, Oman

H.E. Eng. Hisham Sharaf Abdullah, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Yemen

                           H.E. Boutros Harb, Minister of Telecommunications in Lebanon

H.E. Adam Kulach, Head of Delegation of the EU to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE (TBC)

H.E. Dr. Faeqa Al-Saleh, Assistant Secretary General - Head of Social Sector, League of Arab States, Egypt

H.E. Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of ASREN, Jordan

Keynotes, Panelists and Speakers

Thomas A. Delaney, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Global Technology Officer, New York University, USA

Abdallah Al-Zoubi, General Director, Scientific Research Support Fund, Jordan (TBC)

Ahmad Hassan, Acting Director, Egyptian Universities Network – EUN, Egypt

Albert De Roeck, Senior Researcher at CERN and Professor at University of Antwerp, Belgium

Aniyan Varghese, Programme Manager, DG CONNECT, Belgium

Antonio Sanfilippo, Research Director, Qatar Foundation, Qatar

Aouaouche El-Maouhab, Algerian Research and Education Network – CERIST, Algeria

David Simonsen, Executive Manager, Where Are You From - WAYF, Denmark

David West, EUMEDCONNECT3 Project Manager, Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe - DANTE, UK

Fahd Batayneh, Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator, ICANN, Jordan

Federico Ruggieri, Director of Research, National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN, Italy

Habib Youssef, Director, Tunisian Research and Education Network – CCK, Tunisia

Hafedh Yahmadi, CEO, Collaborative Innovation Center, Tunisia

Helga Spitaler, Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe - DANTE, UK

Hisham Ibrahim, Regional Program Manager, Ripe NCC, UAE

Imad Y. Hoballah, Chairman and CEO, Telecom Regulatory Authority, Lebanon

Jauad El Kharraz, Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector - EMWIS, France

Jim Ghadbane, President and CEO, CANARIE, Canada (TBC)

Juma Al Balushi, Director, Omani Research and Education Network – OMREN, Oman

Khaled Basulaim, Managing Director, Yemen Center of Information Technology for Higher Education - YCIT-HE, Yemen

Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat, Saint Joseph's University, Lebanon (TBC)

Magda El-Toulhouny, Director of Education and Scientific Research, League of Arab States, Egypt

Morten Moller, Head of the Programme co-ordination, DG CONNECT, Belgium

Mustafa Jarrar, Director, Sina Institute for Knowledge Engineering and Arabic Technologies - Birzeit University, Palestine

Redouane Merrouch, Director, Moroccan Research and Education Network - CNRS, Morocco

Ridha Guellouz, Président - Association Tunisienne des TIC – ATTIC, Tunisia

Said Mandhare, CEO, Oman Broadband Company, Oman (TBC)

Salem Alagtash, Professor, German Jordanian University, Jordan

Sami Salih, Sudanese Research and Education Network – SudREN, Sudan

Sharifa Hajjat, eLearning Coordinator, Higher Colleagues of Technology, UAE

Walid Karam, ICT Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Telecommunications, Lebanon

Yousef Torman, Arab States Research and Education Network, Germany

Yves Poppe, A*STAR Computational Resource Centre, Singapore

Submission Deadline

15th October, 2014 (full papers, short papers, demonstrations, special sessions) 

Conference Venue

Grand Hyatt, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Topics of Interest

·         e-Infrastructures in the fields of:

·         Storage and hosting of content delivery

·         Network communication tools

·         Network computing resources, including GRID computing and coordination within NREN community for CPU use

·         Perspectives on NRENs, including challenges, operation, sustainability, funding, governance, and business models

·         Access to research and education resources, repositories, libraries and contents, clouds, grids and HPCs.

·         Connectivity options including technologies, services, cables, circuits and equipment.

·         Internet developments and impact on R&E networks.

·         Virtual Research Environments, Science Gateways, Federation of Identities, eduroam, eduGAIN …


·         Research and Education in the fields of:

·         Educational challenges in the 21st Century

·         Education for all in the digital age

·         e-Learning /Massive Open Online Courses /Tele-teaching /e-research

·         Virtual Learning Environments

·         Digital Repositories


·         Research Collaboration and Innovative Applications and technologies:

·         Energy conservation

·         Resource protection

·         Food and water production and distribution

·         Waste management

·         Information sharing and knowledge

·         Weather prediction and control

·         Natural resource management

·         Climate change

·         Global issues and problems


·         Presentations of practical experiences in e-Infrastructure context. 


All papers will be peer-reviewed and selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.




The Platform will be organized by Arab States Research and Education Network GmbH in cooperation with:

·         Oman Research Council (TRC)

·         Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org)

·         European Euro-Mediterranean Connect project (EUMEDCONNECT3)

·         US Internet2 Special Interest Group Middle East (Internet2)

·         Coordination and Harmonization of Advanced e-Infrastructure (CHAIN - REDs)

·         The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA)


The Platform will be sponsored by:

·         Omantel

·         RIPE Network Coordination Centre - RIPE NCC

·         The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - ICANN

Program Committee

·         Ahmed Dabbagh, Ankabut, UAE

·         Boubakar Barry, WACREN, Senegal

·         David West, DANTE, UK  

·         Federica Tanlongo, GARR Consortium, Italy

·         Federico Ruggieri, INFN, Italy

·         Habib Youssef, CCK, Tunisia

·         Helga Spitaler, DANTE, UK

·         Johnathon Chapman, Internet2 SIG, Qatar

·         Juma Al Balushi, TRC, Oman

·         Majdi Al-Abiad, TAG-Org, Oman

·         Mwaffaq Otoom, YU, Jordan

·         Ola Samara, ASREN, Jordan

·         Salem Al-Agtash, GJU/ ASREN, Jordan

·         Sara Al-Eisawi, AROQA, Jordan

·         Yousef Torman, ASREN, Germany

Scientific Committee

·         Ahmed Dabbagh, UAE Advanced Network for Research and Education (Ankabut), UAE

·         Boubakar Barry, Western Africa Research and Education Network (WACREN), Senegal

·         Federico Ruggieri, The Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Italy

·         Rainer Herpers, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (BRSU), Germany

·         Roberto Barbera, University of Catania, Italy

·         Salem Al-Agtash, German Jordanian University (GJU), Jordan

Important dates

15th October, 2014              Submission Deadline (Papers, Posters and Presentations)

1st  November, 2014              Acceptance Notification

1st  December, 2014             Final Pdf posters, Word papers and Presentations slides

4th  December, 2014             Registration Deadline

10th – 11th December, 2014       e-AGE 2014 Conference 

Registration Fees

Speakers,                Free

Authors,                 50 Euro

ASREN Members,   150 Euro

ASREN non-members,       250 Euro 

For more information and paper submission, please contact              

Paper submission:

-        Salem Al-Agtash, alagtash@gju.edu.jo,  Mobile: +962 77-720-1998

-        Federico Ruggieri, federico.ruggieri@roma3.infn.it, Mobile: +390 65-733-7232


Proposals, Presentations and Program:

-        Yousef Torman, torman@asrenorg.net, Mobile: +962 77-990-7900


Registration, Payment, Reservations and Other Logistics:

-        Ola Samara, osamara@asrenorg.net , Mobile: +962 78-868-6802 


All information is available at: http://eage2014.ASRENOrg.net/