جمعية معلمين الكيمياء\المؤتمر الوطني السنوي لمعلمين الكيمياء


The Annual National Convention of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT-2016)

of Association  of Chemistry Teachers (ACT)  will be held on October 21-23,2016 at Raja N L Khan Women's College, Midnapore, West Bengal along with the National Symposium on "Chemistry and Environment"(CE-2016). 

Principal Dr Jayasree Laha,Member ACT Executive Council will be the Convenor of NCCT 2016 and CE -2016.

Enclosed please find the Information Brochure and registration form.


You are cordially invited to participate in NCCT 2016 and CE -2016



The brochure is being uploaded on the ACT website, 



With warm regards,

Dr D V Prabhu,

General Secretary Association of Chemistry Teachers

Adjunct Professor Dept of Chemistry, Wilson College ,Mumbai

Editor Int J Chem ISSN 2249 2119 CODEN IJCML6

Chief Editor ,Green Chemistry and Technology Letters ISSN 2245 3611

Contact No.09870226899​