​The “German-Arab Joint Research, Training and Networking


​The  “German-Arab  Joint  Research,  Training  and  Networking
Programme”  sets out to explore the extendibility of the Responsibility  to  Protect mandate towards  a concept of
‘Responsibility to Assist’. Within this overall conceptual framework, the programme aims at
initiating  joint  research  projects  that  investigate  the  varied  economic,  social,  political  and
other challenges that the countries of the region find  themselves confronted with and which
are  expected  to  seriously  impair  their  chances  for  a  peaceful,  inclusive  and  sustainable
development in the future.
The doctoral research projects to be selected as part of the programme shall be related to
the overall  topic  of  Conflict,  Reconstruction,  and  Sustainable  Development  in the  Middle

Programme Structure and Funding
•    Three-year-programme
•    12 months staying in Germany
•    Programme starts in September 2015 at Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) at the Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE) (http://www.development research.org/index.php/study-programmes/phd-ids.html).
•    PhD students from Arab countries will receive German language training while the German students are expected to attend Arabic language courses
•    Two interdisciplinary summer schools hosted by the Lebanese American University (LAU) in Beirut, Lebanon and by the University of  Jordan (JU)  in  Amman,  Jordan
•    PhD candidates will take part in the annual PhD Conference on International Development
•    For their study periods in Germany, there are scholarships avaiable for the PhD candidates from Arab countries


All  PhD  candidates  will  be  co-supervised  by  professorial  members  of  both  the  PhD  in
International Development Studies (PhD IDS) at the Institute of Development Research and
Development  Policy  (IEE)  /  Ruhr-University  Bochum  (RUB)  and  the  programme  partners
•    The University of Jordan, Amman [http://www.ju.edu.jo/home.aspx]
•    Lebanese American University, Beirut [http://www.lau.edu.lb/].
In  addition,  the  Carnegie  Middle  East  Center  Beirut  [http://carnegie -mec.org/]  will  be
involved in the programme and its activities.

Prospective Candidates and Eligibility Criteria
•    Candidates with an above-average advanced degree (Master or equivalent) in Law, Social or Political Sciences, Sociology, Anthropology, Economic or Social Geography, Economics, Agricultural Economics or Sociology, and Environmental and Resource Economics or related subjects from Germany, the partner countries (Jordan and Lebanon), and, if applicable, students coming from the countries / territories afflicted by the regional conflicts (most importantly Syria and Iraq)
•    English language proficiency attested by English language proficiency certificate (IELTS Band 6 or TOEFL 550 paper based / 213 computer based / 80 internet based) or by a document attesting that English has been the language of instruction in previous studies
•    Strong interest and capability to work in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural frameworks
•    Qualified female candidates are expressly encouraged to apply

The  candidates  will  be  nominated  and  selected  jointly  by  the  programme  partners  at  a
preparatory meeting in June/July  2015 and will be informed via email about the admission
no later than end of July 2015.

The application form, guidelines and templates are available for download here:

Submission via Email or Postal Services
All files, including letters of recommendation, may be sent in either PDF format to ieephd(at)rub.de or paper format to the postal address mentioned below. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
Postal Address:
Institute of Development Research and Development Policy
Dr. Anja Zorob
Building GB, Room 1/161
Universitätsstr. 150
D-44801 Bochum - Germany

The deadline for application is April 30th, 2015

For further Information about the programme, the criteria of admission and the required documents, please see the attached file.

Best regards,
Stay connected with the IC Amman via www.facebook.com/daad.jordan
Tobias Schmitt
DAAD Assistant

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)/
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

c/o German Jordanian University
Building E, 1st floor
Ahmed Al-Tarawina Street
P.O. Box 35247
Amman 11180, Jordan

Mail: assistant@daad-jordan.org
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